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Deeper Church is an effort of spiritual entrepreneurship. In an age of "seeker sensitive" churches and frankly dying denominational churches, we believe that God and his people may be better served by a different church model. It is designed specifically for "non-seekers", spiritually mature Christians who are ready to be continually challenged by the radical revelations of God's Word. To be and to do.


If there is one dynamic that is apparent throughout scripture, it is the primacy of relationships. Your relationship with God and your relationship with others. So what we're trying to do here is to get to this heart of church- relationships. Relationships with each other and reaching out to those we know and love, including our local communities that we are just getting to know.


Jesus led a small traveling church, made up of the apostles and other disciples. No building, no budget. Our model is to meet weekly in a space that is no or low cost, bringing in a large screen monitor and small sound system. To generally schedule services at times where our people still have time to attend other churches as they may wish. And to select, view, and discuss the very best Jesus centered preaching available, complemented with praise and worship music that is also freely available. And to join together to serve others, thereby proclaiming the gospel.


We use a portion of the offerings to make offerings to those ministries on whom we rely for content. Another portion is available to meet our community's special needs while the balance is used to minister to those in our immediate area. There is no paid staff, if you attend, you are part of the staff and agree to minister to one another.


Attending Grown Up Church involves sacrifice, as grown ups do. We have to set up and take down for every service. We lose many of the comforting aspects of having a traditional church building as home. There is no church staff to serve our needs as we rely solely on God and His people surrounding us with His love and His provision of all good things.

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